Category Archives: Amy’s MOW
Amy’s 2024 Viewing Roundup
As we embark on a new year of adventure and insane political turmoil, it’s a great time to escape into movie-watching and enjoy the plethora of interesting movies at the local theater or on a streaming service. It can also help distract us from the guilt regarding all the New Year’s resolutions that we have […]
Amy’s December Viewing Roundup
The holiday season is upon us and that means a couple of things. Firstly, we are all going to overindulge in food and drink so enjoy. We are going to spend too much time-and money-traveling in crowded airports to visit parents who complain that we don’t make enough of an effort to see them. BUT […]
Amy’s November Viewing Roundup
At a time when the world feels as if it’s been turned upside down and the ground is slipping from under our feet, we can always retreat into cinema in an attempt to stay sane in very troubling times. All troubles are transient, but film is forever. And all creative endeavors are an antidote to […]