Tag Archives: Bechdel Test
1950s Sex Comedies: The Unromantic Rise of Toxic Masculinity
By the late 1940s, romantic comedies began transitioning into a new subgenre, retaining a few of the signature screwball traits but with a definite shift of tenor. Instead of the playful sparring that brought females and males together, the contention between them grew less amicable and, in some cases, downright mean-spirited, gradually driving them further […]
Polarizing Trends of the Romantic Comedy
A number of posts back, I skewered the term ‘CHICK FLICKS’ for reasons I won’t repeat now, though I encourage you to revisit them HERE. I mention it because, for my next series of posts, we will be exploring the history, evolution and ramifications of the romantic comedy, a beleaguered genre label too often used […]
Feminist Call to Action 5: Engage with Men
As we all know too well, the film industry is primarily run by and targeted at males. Consequently, there’s long been a dearth of FEMINIST-FRIENDLY FILMS. We can attribute much of this plight to the misguided notion that while a woman can relate to a male-driven film, a man cannot relate to a female-driven one […]