Tag Archives: streaming

The Good, The Disappointing & The Downright Miserable: Devi’s June 2024 Viewing Roundup

June 4th, 2024

After beginning the first half of the year with a solid run of consecutively pleasing films, I’ve hit a real hit or miss patch this past month. Nevertheless, there have been a few winners, so I’ll start with those and work my way down: RECOMMENDED: EVIL DOES NOT EXIST (in theaters): This is another film […]

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Devi’s April 2024 Viewing Roundup

April 2nd, 2024

After going overboard last month, I’m keeping it short and sweet this go-round with two recommendations: GREEN PORNO (series, streaming on Youtube /Criterion): Isabella Rosselini has written, directed and starred in this 3-season series of micro-shorts that explores the mating rituals of various insects and other animals. They are delightfully bizarre, inventive, witty and informative. […]

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Sex, Scandals and the Academy Awards – April Viewing Roundup

April 4th, 2023

In honor of last month’s Academy Awards, Amy’s chosen some excellent films nominated for an Oscar, while Devi followed viewing whims devoid of any themes (beyond feminist-friendly, that is)… AMY’S PICKS: THE QUIET GIRL (Playing in select theaters): This Irish language film is notable for several reasons. First, it’s told in a language that’s not […]

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