Category Archives: Devi’s Discourse
Devi’s March 2024 Viewing Roundup
While 2024 is by no means off to an auspicious start in terms of the world at large, I gotta say movie offerings have improved immensely. I’ve seen so many gems this past month, my faith that film as an artform may just endure yet. Here’s what all I’ve seen… MUST SEE FILMS: PERFECT DAYS […]
Since the onset of the pandemic, we’ve been offering a list of viewing recommendations based on our prior month’s favorites, but I’ve decided to shake things up and now include both recommended films as well as disappointing ones to examine because I often sit through (and occasionally fail to sit through) even more that do […]
The Needy Men and Liberated Women of 1970s “Radical” Rom-Coms
Happy Valentines and welcome to a whole new era of romance! Last time, we delved into the ‘60s, examining a shift from the shared male/female points-of-view characteristic of previous rom-coms to a new, male-driven variation. In these, females were often demoted to secondary roles often portrayed as hapless victims or inconsequential playthings. But by the […]