Category Archives: Film Reviews

Individual film reviews through a feminist gaze

After beginning the first half of the year with a solid run of consecutively pleasing films, I’ve hit a real hit or miss patch this past month. Nevertheless, there have been a few winners, so I’ll start with those and work my way down: RECOMMENDED: EVIL DOES NOT EXIST (in theaters): This is another film […]

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The pickings are slim right now. But if you lucky enough to live near an art house cinema there are some interesting films to be seen. Hopefully, the spring season will bring more choices to our theaters or else theater-going might be a thing of the past. On that happy note, here are my picks […]

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As the rest of the world falls apart, the film world seems to be stepping up after what feels like a long dry spell. Recent trips to our local cinemas have me hopeful that artistic inspiration is prevailing despite the low precedent set by the bulk of Hollywood blockbusters. Of course, not everyone can be […]

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