Tag Archives: Films

Amy’s November Viewing Roundup

November 14th, 2023

At a time when the world feels as if it’s been turned upside down and the ground is slipping from under our feet, we can always retreat into cinema in an attempt to stay sane in very troubling times. All troubles are transient, but film is forever. And all creative endeavors are an antidote to […]

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Something for Everyone – June Viewing Roundup

June 6th, 2023

The world may very well be on the brink of destruction, but there’s still joy to be found on the big and less big screen. So, this month Devi’s focusing on the positive to kick off a summer with a smile. Meanwhile, Amy tackles some harder hitting topics, with films and series that that highlight […]

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BLONDE: In Defense of a Talking Fetus

November 29th, 2022

When I was in high school, I discovered an essay in an anthology of short stories entitled The Ambivalence of Abortion. The writer of the piece was a journalist who was describing her decision to have an abortion. She was married with children when she learned that she was again pregnant. She and her husband […]

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