Tag Archives: Horror
October Pandemic Viewing Roundup: Finding Catharsis in Horror Films
It’s October again, and Halloween is nigh, though one might argue in 2020, Every Day is Halloween. After all, we live in a world where we must daily don masks, and the bogeyman is undeniably real. So, perhaps it seems counter-intuitive to seek additional scares in our entertainment, though, historically, horror films always prosper during […]

Midsommar and the Horrors of a Summer in Sweden
Midsommar is easily the most disturbing and provocative film released this summer. It’s a horror film that examines disintegrating relationships, both familial and romantic, and the effect that it has on a young woman in the aftermath of their breakdowns. Promising new auteur director Ari Aster understands that most great horror films have a common […]

When Boys Write Girls: A Lesson in Gender Appropriation
There’s been much ado on the topic of CULTURAL APPROPRIATION in storytelling –often regarding the debate, “should a White person write a story about a Black person’s experience?” In a similar vein we might question the issue of gender appropriation, i.e. should a man write a story about a woman’s experience? There are strong arguments […]